22/12/2007 - report - photos - Grand Canyon track notes - Jugglers Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Gill Fowler, Andy Wilkinson, Andrew Glover, Bethany Hoye, Nick Brennan, Jamie Turner, Fiona Crane, Dom
Rachel, Nick and I met Gill and Andy in the bakery at Wentworth Falls. The others turned up a little later. The weather was fairly cold, windy and occasionally rainy, and the thought of doing Fortress Canyon was not particularly appealing. I suggested a trip down Jugglers and Grand Canyons instead, which eventually became the plan. We reconvened at the Medlow Bath turn off and convoyed out to the start of the Pilcher Track without too many misturns.
After a short walk in I decided to set a handline on the first little waterfall, as there was a greater than usual volume of water going over it. There was a bit of boulder scrambling to the start of the canyon, where we harnessed up. The first abseil had more water going over it than I have ever seen, although that's not saying that much. A few people got wet in the spray though. We had a bit of a wait at the next drop as there was a group ahead of us. The final abseil posed a few difficulties, particularly for Dom who swung fairly wildly!
We had a quick lunch and then headed upstream to the Grand Canyon. Another group - presumably the one ahead of us in Jugglers - was waiting at the exit. However, they weren't continuing on to Grand and seemed a little surprised that we were.
We got to the start of Grand, but the rope carriers were some distance away. I set up the abseil with my 18m handline, which looked like it might reach. The rain began to pour down as I abseiled. With a bit of rope stretch it comfortably made the bottom. Everyone else dropped down, and we picked our way along the ledges and pools trying to avoid any of the swims.
Finally we reached the unavoidable swim and got fully wet, before climbing out the Pilcher Track to the cars. A pleasant day given the weather.