22/12/2007 - report - photos - Grand Canyon track notes - Jugglers Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Gill Fowler, Andy Wilkinson, Andrew Glover, Bethany Hoye, Nick Brennan, Jamie Turner, Fiona Crane, Dom
Jamie on a hand-over-hand
Rachel on the first abseil
Fee on the first abseil
Jamie on the first abseil
Looking down the rest of the canyon
Bethany belaying Glover
Some of the party waiting at the bottom of the first drop
Jamie on the second abseil
Looking back up the canyon, Rachel belaying
Andy abseiling
Rachel abseiling
Jamie and Bethany having a heart to heart
Gill abseiling
Glover on the final abseil in Jugglers
Ferns in Grand Canyon
Traversing ledges
In the canyon
Canyon formation
A small side canyon
Fee in Grand Canyon
Canyon formation
?? swimming
Andy emerges from the swim
Flannel flowers (Actinotus sp)
Trigger plants
Mountain devil (Lambertia formosa)
Unknown flower
Unknown flower