14/09-14/10/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Rick Ianiello, Angela Horvath, Anya Pa, Ilze Rupners
Middle Leprechaun Canyon (Shimrock)
Looking out over the Leprechaun forks from the ridge to the side
Angela on the first abseil
Ilze on the abseil
Rachel abseiling as Anya climbs down
Anya squeezing along
Ilze and Anya
Everyone staying high to avoid the slush pit down below
What's the collective noun for a group of canyoners? A stack?!
Rick meat-anchoring the next abseil
Rachel carefully abseiling
Rachel modelling the full body armour - long top, long bottoms, knee pads, helmet, harness that you can trash
Rick galumphing along
Rachel just hanging about
Textured walls
Rachel and Angela - now it's getting squeezier...
...as well as slopier!
A brief respite
Crap! It just gets narrower!
Delightful light
Rachel is enjoying herself...
...and can even relax!
Rick descending an impressive looking drop
Anya and Ilze near Belfast Boulevard
Anya and Rick descending another long impressive narrow stretch
The recent rains meant lots of mud in the canyon, and a swim to rinse off near the end
The canyon opens out - Rick and Rachel
Rick and Rachel
Tom and Rachel (photo by Rick)
Rachel in the magnificent lower canyon