14/09-14/10/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Rick Ianiello, Angela Horvath, Anya Pa, Ilze Rupners
Our campsite at Anthrax
Dawn over North Wash
Slideanide Canyon
Rick on the abseil into Slideanide
Angela abseiling
Anya on the abseil
Another stack of canyoners - from bottom, Rachel, Angela, Ilze, Anya and Rick
Angela on a little (for Slideanide!) downclimb
A bit of dodginess, probably to avoid the mud
Looking down the long downclimb - yes, you could abseil, but that would take the fun out of it!
Anya and Rachel showing the height of the drop
OK, focus! Rachel showing nice elevator technique
Anya and Rachel and ... oh ... Anya's not fond of spiders?!
Ilze and Angela - there's the dry way or the high way. No, wait! They're the same thing!
Anya and Rachel
Ilze on the final abseil
Looking back at the end of the Slideanide slot
Choose your own adventure - making our way up out of Slideanide
Arscenic Canyon
The first drop of Arscenic from across the canyon - I followed Rick down a particularly dodgy slope that led to the top of the drop without walking all the way around the tops
Rick on the abseil
Anya abseiling
Looking down the second stage of the drop
Angela on the first part of the drop
Angela abseiling the second stage
Anya watching Angela get wet and muddy. It was possible but strenuous to stay high
Rachel keeping dry
Rachel, Anya and Rick
Anya and Rick
The party near the end of Arscenic - Angela, Rick, Anya, Rachel, Ilze, Tom
Angela and Rachel on another downclimb
Ye'll take the high road and I'll take the low road - Angela and Rick
Rachel and Tom (and Arscenic Arch)
Rachel on the walk out along the canyon rim