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27/07-04/08/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Trephina Gorge - Panorama Walk
White-Plumed Honeyeater
Walker on the cliffs on the other side of Trephina Gorge
Rachel at the top of the Panorama Walk
Trephina Gorge panorama
Trephina Bluff panorama
Everlasting Daisy (Xerochrysum bracteatum?)
Everlasting Daisy (Xerochrysum bracteatum?)
Scaevola sp
Rachel in the gully leading back to the gorge
Rachel on the cliffs on the other side of the gorge
Trephina Gorge
Trephina Gorge
Cliffs of Trephina Gorge
Corroboree Rock Walk
Corroboree Rock
Gum blossoms
Corroboree Rock
Jessie Gap
Rock art at Jessie Gap
Rachel at Jessie Gap
Jessie Gap
Emily Gap
Rock art at Emily Gap
Rock art at Emily Gap
Emily Gap
Rachel at Emily Gap
Alice Springs - Olive Pink Gardens
I had forgotten my camera on a walk to the top of the hill at the Olive Pink Gardens in Alice Springs, when we spotted some Rock Wallabies. I raced back to the car to get it, and headed back up. On the way back, a couple of Whistling Kites were circling...
... but luckily they hadn't scared off the Rock Wallabies
However, the Rock Wallabies were looking a bit nervous...
...due to the Dingo prowling around!
Rock Wallabies scatter
In the meantime, the Whistling Kites are being harassed by the Crows (or are they Ravens?)
The Black Kites circling above seem less bothered
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