02-31/07/2010 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan
Wednesday 14 July: Karijini NP - Tom Price (125km)
Reflections in Dales Gorge
Fortescue Falls
Mt Bruce, Karijini NP
Mt Bruce
Mt Bruce
Climbing up to the first hump on Mt Bruce. Mt Bruce is the second highest mountain in WA, but since you can drive to the top of Mt Meharry (the tallest), it is a far more exciting walk
Mt Bruce
Rachel above one of the scrambles on Mt Bruce
Mt Bruce
Rachel at the summit cairn of Mt Bruce
Rachel on the summit ridge of Mt Bruce
View of the Marandoo mine (one of the "attractions" of the walk). This area was originally part of the national park but was excised
Looking down to the knife edge ridge
Descending to the main scrambling section
Rachel in one of the scrambling sections of the Mt Bruce walk
A little dragon
Corella getting a feed
Thursday 15 July: Tom Price - Millstream-Chichester NP (Crossing Pool) (254km)
Corella - these are quite a pest in Tom Price
Hamersley Gorge, Karijini NP
Rock banding in Hamersley Gorge
Spa pool, Hamersley Gorge
Rachel at The Grotto, Hamersley Gorge
Hamersley Gorge
There was guy measuring the length of a pool for some reason... Hamersley Gorge
Crossing Pool, on the Fortescue River
Corellas just waiting to shit on the van below
We went for a sunset paddle
Crossing Pool
Crossing Pool
Crossing Pool
Corellas at dusk
Friday 16 July: Millstream-Chichester NP (Crossing Pool - Snake Creek) (78km)
Murlamunyjunha Trail, Millstream-Chichester NP
Eroded roots on the Fortescue River crossing
Rachel looks unimpressed by the Millstream Palms, even if they are found nowhere else in the world
Water lilies at Chinderwarriner Pool
Water lily
Wattle blossom
Rachel crossing the Fortescue River
Flight of the corellas - this is the morning arrival
Rachel swimming at Deep Reach, with the corellas flying in
Tom on the "pool pony" at Deep Reach
Sturts Desert Pea
Mt Herbert Summit - McKenzie Spring, Millstream-Chichester NP
Mt Herbert Lookout
Rachel at Mt Herbert
Rachel at the somewhat unimpressive McKenzie Spring (at least there is water!)
Mt Herbert, and the Chichester Range Camel Trail
Rachel at Python Pool
Python Pool
Python Pool
The only camp site we had to ourselves, Snake Creek, in Millstream-Chichester NP
Sunset at Snake Creek
Sunset at Snake Creek
Saturday 17 July: Millstream-Chichester NP - Barradale Rest Area (531km)
Sunrise at Snake Creek
Sunrise at Snake Creek
Pigeon House Mountain? No, it's Pyramid Hill
Iron ore train at Dampier
Hearsons Cove on the Burrup Peninsula, near Dampier. We went looking for rock engravings, but didn't find any!
Rachel at Hearsons Cove