02-31/07/2010 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan
Sunday 11 July: Karijini NP (Eco Retreat) (24km)
Knox Gorge, Karijini NP
Spinifex on the walk out to Knox Gorge
Up bright and early for a canyoning trip in Knox Gorge - Karijini NP
Knox Gorge
Rachel in Knox Gorge
On the Knox Slide, Knox Gorge - Karijini NP
Rachel abseiling the Knox Slide. Yes, it's supposed to be a slide, but given how cold the water was, wet hair was a bad idea, hence the abseil - Karijini NP
Rachel on the second abseil - the water in this pool is not very deep
Rachel getting a dunking
Rachel blowing up her air mattress at the Knox Gorge entry to Red Gorge
Reflections in Red Gorge
Each Gorge entry was signposted
Paddling in Red Gorge. Red Gorge runs east-west and is in shade all winter. Freezing! Lucky we had our pool ponies! - Karijini NP
Red Gorge
Paddling in Red Gorge
Paddling in Red Gorge
Weano Falls, the junction of Weano Gorge and Red Gorge
The "Weano Chimney", you can bypass the 40m abseil down the falls by scrambling up through the cliffline. We encountered a family who had done just that (you may be able to spot them!)
Rachel paddling past Hancock Gorge. We had hoped to explore up if from the bottom but we were too cold so decided to keep moving instead.
Hancock Gorge junction with Red Gorge
Back in the sun in Joffre Gorge, which thankfully runs more north-south - Karijini NP
Rachel in Joffre Gorge
Joffre Gorge
Paddling in Joffre Gorge
Joffre Gorge
Joffre Gorge
Looking down where we entered Knox Gorge
Knox Gorge
Late afternoon in Knox Gorge
Knox Gorge
Knox Gorge
Knox Gorge
Knox Gorge
Knox Gorge
Monday 12 July: Karijini NP (Eco Retreat) (22km)
Joffre Gorge, Karijini NP
Rachel about to start a second day of paddling adventures in the upper end of Joffre Gorge
Paddling in Joffre Gorge
Trying to look relaxed even though the air mattress has a leak
Rachel in Joffre Gorge
After a few hundred metres the Gorge drops significantly. We didn't go any further given the leak in Rachel's air mattress.
Exploring the drop in Joffre Gorge
Tom investigating the scramble down to the next cold, dark pool
Joffre Gorge
Rachel paddling back up Joffre Gorge
Joffre Gorge
Another walker jumping in Joffre Gorge
A second visit to Hancock Gorge in the late afternoon
Tuesday 13 July: Karijini NP (Dales Campground) (60km)
Kalamina Gorge, Karijini NP
Rachel at the Kalamina Gorge lookout
The somewhat disappointing Kalamina Falls
Kalamina Gorge
Rock arch in Kalamina Gorge (though it's not really an arch)
Scrambling in Kalamina Gorge
Scrambling in Kalamina Gorge
Natural "Arch" in Kalamina Gorge
Side creek exploring in Kalamina Gorge
Side creek exploring in Kalamina Gorge
Kalamina Gorge
Kalamina Gorge
Kalamina Gorge
Dales Gorge, Karijini NP
Fortescue Falls
Tourists at Fortescue Falls
Circular Pool
Circular Pool
Circular Pool
Circular Pool from the lookout
Dales Gorge
Fortescue Falls
Fortescue Falls
Fortescue Falls
Reflections in Dales Gorge
Reflections in Dales Gorge