01/04/2017 - photos - Claustral Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Evan Fimbres, Jarrah Turton, Megan Turton
Megan coming up after the first little climb down/jump
Looking down the first abseil
Jarrah on the second abseil
Jarrah on the third abseil
The Claustral/Ranon junction
Flowing water
Evan balancing on the log
Heading down canyon
Ferns and flowing water
Stopping as another group passes
Rachel abseiling the climbdown before the Tunnel Swim
Jarrah abseiling
Rachel and Evan
Jarrah in the Tunnel Swim
Megan below the next climbdown, which we also abseiled due to high water
Rachel coiling the rope
Evan bridging to stay dry
Back at the rock near the road - Rachel, Megan, Jarrah, Evan