25/01/2015 - photos - Kalang Falls track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Rachel on the lower part of the first abseil
Rachel scrambling down to the second abseil
At the top of the second abseil, good views of Thurat Spires
Quartzite cliffs across Kanangra Creek
Rachel on the second abseil
Looking up the third abseil
Rachel on the fourth abseil
The waterfall at the fourth abseil
Rachel on the fifth abseil
Rachel on the seventh abseil
Looking up to Kanangra Walls from the top of the eighth abseil
Rachel on the eighth abseil
Rachel on the ninth abseil
The main waterfall that runs down beside the eighth and ninth abseils
The main waterfall
Rachel on the tenth and final abseil
Looking down the abseil
Waterfall at the bottom
Rachel at the pool at the bottom of the final abseil
Great views down Kanangra Creek from our ridge on the way out
Rachel and Tom at the lookout
Classic Kanangra panorama