09/11/2013 - photos - Grand Canyon track notes - Jugglers Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles, Darryl Sullings, Catherine Omal, Daryl Watson, Siddhartha Majumdar, Grant Carter
Cat on the first abseil in Jugglers Canyon
Grant on the second abseil (our third since Rachel had set up a bonus one!)
Rachel belaying Vivien on the third abseil
Sidd on the fourth and final abseil
Grant on the last abseil
Rachel on the last abseil
An unfortunate lace monitor had fallen into the canyon, and was looking rather cold and unhappy
Cat and Grant in Grand Canyon
Scrambling a little waterfall
Rachel watching Darryl scramble
Lovely green ferns
The party near the side waterfall
Canyon formation
The final chilly swim
Warming up in the sun - Rachel, Daryl, Grant, Cat
Canyon formation
Looking down Greaves Creek into the Grose Valley from the lookout on the Pilcher Track