26/11/2011 - photos - Dione Dell Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Richard Pattison, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith
Smiffy also has photos from this trip
Rain comes down on Saturday morning. It was so wet on Friday night we had our tents pitched in the shelter (no-one else around!)
Rachel crossing Dione Dell
Cascade in Dione Dell
Rich abseiling down at the junction of Dione Dell and Christys Creek
Smiffy abseiling next to the massive waterfall coming out of Christys Creek
Smiffy sidles carefully around the pool. The current was strong
Rachel near the bottom of the abseil
At the top of the second abseil. The usual anchor is a no go. Rich points out a route down.
Smiffy and Rachel at the top of the abseil
Looking back up the creek from the top of the second abseil
The waterfall itself
Smiffy scrambling around it
The falls from the bottom
Whitewater at the top of the third fall
Pindari Tops
Rich hand-over-hands down to the third abseil point
Smiffy at the top of the falls
Double rainbow
Smiffy volunteers to brave the water...
...and makes it across to the safety of the rock.
Rachel on the abseil
Rich is the last to come down.
He sidles across the ledge...
...but slips in and is washed off! Luckily there are some boulders where we are photographing from that he can clamber out on.
Snail with what looks like a leaf on its shell
Looking back at the impressive third waterfall
Rich abseiling next to the fourth waterfall
Rachel on the same abseil
Rachel wading the swollen creek
Safely at the top of Margaret Falls
Rainbow in the Christys Creek valley
Weird spot for a sign?
Another view of the top of the falls
Looking over the edge - impressive!
Stypandra glauca (Nodding Blue Lily)
Uranus Grotto
Bungin Top from the top of Wallaby Pass (anyone know the origin of this name - on the Gangerang Sketch Map it is marked as Pindari Pass)
Smiffy at the top of the pass
Rachel and Smiffy on the scrubby tops
Some sections of the track were knee deep in water
After we got back we wandered down to Kalang Falls to check out the water levels. Here we are looking across to Thurat Spires
Looking down the top of Kalang Falls
Kalang Falls (tourist section)
Kalang Falls
Classic Kanangra