02/10/2006 - photos - Dione Dell Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Gill Fowler, Matt Ryan, Geoff Mattes, Dean
Rachel belaying Geoff on the first abseil
Geoff on the first abseil
Geoff at the top of the second abseil
Gill belaying Rachel on the second abseil
Gill, Rachel and Geoff creek walking
Rachel on the third abseil
Looking back at the waterfall next to the third abseil
Gill, Geoff and Rachel at the final drop
Gill and Geoff setting up the final abseil
Geoff abseiling the final drop
Geoff, Rachel and Gill at the top of Margaret Falls
Geoff in front of Uranus Grotto
Geoff, Tom, Rachel and Gill looking to the south on Pindari Tops
Geoff, Gill and Rachel on Pindari Tops