13/11/2005 - report - photos - Lower Bowens Creek North Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Anthony Dowle, Andrew Glover, Bethany Hoye, Rosalie Ashe
Ant fails to keep his feet dry!
Rosalie on a climb-down at the start of the canyon
Rachel abseiling the first drop
Rachel in the canyon
Canyon formation
Canyon formation below the first abseil
Rachel on the second abseil
Rosalie on the second abseil (her second ever)
Canyon formation
Ant and Rosalie with a halo of steam
Ant on a log slide
Ant swimming a canyon section
Not a waterfall, just a splash from Bethany
Bethany getting a bit stuck on a log slide
"Spitfire" caterpillars - actually sawfly larvae. Sawflies are a type of large (non-stinging) wasp.