26-28/01/2019 - photos

Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Alex Allchin, Jana, Patrick Lorrimer, Sierra Classen, Steven Watson

Lunch by a small pool in Bullfrog Creek

Jana scrambling in Bullfrog Creek

Rachel on the main falls in Bullfrog Creek

Sierra and Patrick in Bullfrog Creek

Cooling off in the first pool we find in Ettrema Creek

Isoceles Pool

Swimming hole near first night's camp

Rachel at camp, with another SBW party in attendance


Alex jumping

Ettrema Creek walking

Steve jumping

Swimming at morning tea

Alex making sure he doesn't lose his hat

Rachel takes the big plunge

Ettrema Creek

Alex watching Patrick swim

Lovely pool and narrow gorge near Sentry Box Canyon

Near Sentry Box Canyon

Snake skin

Jana and Patrick wading

Cooling off at the first falls in Myall Creek - Patrick jumping

Steve watches Sierra

Steve jumping

At camp in Myall Creek - Rachel, Alex, Jana, Patrick, Steve (minus Sierra!)

Jana on the exposed traverse

Rachel watches Steve make it across

Alex makes it look difficult

Cooling off at the next falls in Myall Creek

Rachel at the top of the falls

Rachel and Jana climb another waterfall

Climbing a long sloping waterfall

Alex watching Rachel scramble

Steve scrambling

Patrick and Steve

Jana using the handline to get up a slippery drop

Sierra climbing

Sierra in the upper reaches of Myall Creek

Lunch cave in a side creek

Crossing open country to Quiera Clearing