19/08/2018 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Rachel at the start, overlooking the Castlereagh Highway near Pearsons Lookout. All rugged up as it was 50km/h winds, and spitting snow, despite the mostly blue skies
Lovely open forest on the first top
Sidling under the cliffs on the eastern side - out of the wind!
Rachel scrambling up on to the first top we came to
Looks like our top is not the top top!!
Cool little rock arch
Some exposed sidling to get into the saddle between the two highest pagodas
Rachel checking out a possible route up, but no go
The most likely route involves crawling through this overhang
One more scramble...
...and we're at the windy summit. Not a good day for standing on it!
Scenic views of the Castlereagh Highway ... and Pantoneys Crown!