14/07/2018 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Jo Daly, Clive Howard, Bruce Dennien, Caroline Houghton, Ian Houghton, Tom Macdonald, David Angell, Suzanne Gapps, Walid El-Khoury, Mark Thieben
Heading up the hill towards Glenraphael Head
Bruce scrambling a minor cliff band
Tom in ferns traversing towards Dunphys Pass
Regrouping on the slopes below Glenraphael Head
Morning tea below Dunphys Pass
Rachel at the top of the scramble up to the pass
The party below the pass
Mark scrambling up
Tom takes the low road
Walid climbing the loose shale
Bruce on the traverse
On the ledge
David on Dunphys Pass
Looking back to the entrance gully
The pass continues along the halfway ledge opposite
Dunphys Pass
The ledge drops away rounding the final corner
David on the corner
The party in the exit gully
Crossing Glenraphael Swamp
Suzanne emerging from the scrub on to the fire trail
Rachel and Jo
Mark and Rachel on the Narrow Neck FT
Great views across to Kings Tableland
On the road to Clear Hill, with views all the way to Kanangra and Mt Cloudmaker
Narrow Neck FT and the High Gangerangs
Wild Dogs vista
Wild Dog Mountains
Breakfast Creek
Lunch at Clear Hill
Clive descending the first ladders
Suzanne scrambling lower down
Plaque to Taro
Rachel on Tarros Ladder
Tom on Tarros Ladder
Suzanne descending
Tom lower down
Caroline on the spikes
Walid pauses
Bruce climbing down
David at the halfway ledge
Looking back at Dunphys Pass from Tarros Ladder - the pass goes in and out of the gullies
Beautiful open forest on Mt Debert
Mid stride?!
Homeward bound in the late afternoon