01/07/2018 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Jon Bell, Alex Allchin, Stanley Wong, Scott Lee
View from a lookout on the east side of Narrow Neck
Looking for the top of Rock Pile Pass - Stanley and Jon on an outcrop
Rachel on a different outcrop
After some bush bashing, we find our way down to the ledge - Rachel on the ledge
Jon attempts to go the crumbly high road
Rachel finds the actual rock pile (and the route that would have saved us lots of bush bashing)
Alex examines the log book (well, the bits of paper!)
Heading along the ledge
Rachel on the first of two drops on the pass
Alex on the drop
Looking down the second drop - the ropes were removed after the first one snapped on one of the party
Traversing a landslip beneath the cliffs
Scott crawling through a mini cave
Stanley crossing an exposed shale ledge
Unfortunately the ledge ran out not much further on, meaning we had to recross the exposed section!
Scott squeezing through a narrow passage
There were a couple of cars below the second neck
Rachel and Alex in Mitchells Creek
Pool at the bottom of the falls
Alex attempts to pioneer a new Mitchells Pass
Alex climbing the actual pass
Narrow Neck fire trail bash
Mitchells Pass and Creek
Fun with sunstars