03-04/06/2017 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Sue Bucknell, Simon Hager, Antoniya Bachvarova, Alison Curtin
Hollow Rock (or is it Leaning Rock?)
A less straightforward entry to the creek than last time we were here (over 8 years ago!)
Rachel on the first abseil
Simon on the abseil
Scrambling down to the main drops
Simon on the second abseil (and most canyon-like section)
Rachel abseiling
Simon keeping his feet dry
Simon on the third drop
The bottom of the drop
Smiffy trying to unlock the secret to not swimming
Sue on the fifth abseil
Sue on the sixth abseil, checking if the rope reaches (sort of!)
Smiffy on the final abseil
Ali having just taken a bit of a dunking in the pool on the ledge
Sue on the final drop to the river
Walking up the Colo to the junction
Heading upstream to our camp cave - the water is a bit chilly!
So needing a good fire!
Gourmet delicacies - San Choy Bau
Happy 5th Birthday Sue!
Duelling cameras at 20 paces - I have two people looking at mine!
Cosy camp cave
Rachel showing a bit of leg
Approaching the Colo/Wollemi Creek junction = sun!
Hopefully the bottom of our pass
Rachel crossing the Colo
Ali climbing the bottom (and most dodgy) bit of the pass
Shadow photographer, looking down the pass
Ali on the last tricky bit
Yellow Bloodwood (Corymbia eximia)? in flower
Scrambling up the pass
Smiffy and Toni looking back down at Wollemi Creek
Sue on one of the scrambling bits of the pass
Toni on the other scrambling section, right at the top
Ali ready to catch whatever gets thrown over the cliff!
Crawfords Lookout