13-14/05/2017 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Alan Osland, Matthew Dickerson, Jo Daly, Melinda Turner, Glenn Draper
Rachel and Jo on the way to Ahearn Lookout
Russells Needle and Mt Jellore
Glenn inspecting the plaque at Ahearn Lookout
The memorial to Leon Ahearn
Matthew and Russells Needle
Jo descending Slott Way
Matthew at the lookout above the Slott Way descent
Rachel and Alan at the Nattai, scoured out by floods
Choose your own adventure! Crossing the Nattai
Nattai walking
Our objective for the day - Russells Needle
Matthew and Jo on the approach
Jo and Rachel scrambling up a pass, possibly not the best way up!
Jo and Rachel on the summit ridge
Rachel, Melinda and Jo
Jo on the final little climb
Glenn takes a more exposed route!
Matthew, Rachel and Jo on the summit of Russells Needle
Rachel and Alan
Matthew and Jo
Jo on the summit block
Rachel on the somewhat fragile looking summit!
Rachel and Jo
Rachel descending
Matthew and Rachel on the way down
Campsite on the Nattai
Russells Needle
Heading downstream to Rocky Waterholes Creek
Rocky Waterholes Creek
Rachel and Jo negotiating a pool
Glenn choosing the wade as the easier option
Melinda and friend
Jo boulder scrambling
Rachel at a small cascade
Awkward scramble past another small fall
At the Iron Creek junction
Heading into The Chasm
Rachel at another cascade
Glenn scrambling past a shelf
Glenn and Matthew in our exit gully
Glenn and Melinda emerging from the scrub
Jo overlooking The Chasm
Rachel on the knife-edge
Looking down into The Chasm
The Chasm