05/11/2016 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Belinda Kinneally, Dan Smith, Monica Chang, Jack
Erskine Lookout
Erskine Creek boulders
Dan jumping at the creek crossing
Mon scrambling into position
Heading up the creek on rocky slabs
Bel communing with the rock and cascades
Waterfalls on Erskine Creek
Jack jumping
Swimming hole at Lincoln Creek junction
Bel and Jack enjoying a dip
Epacris obtusifolia
Dan giving Bel a hand
Dadder Cave
The party in Dadder Cave - Jack, Mon, Bel, Rachel, Dan
Erskine Creek near Dadder Cave
Heading back to Lincoln Creek
Crossing the creek
Rachel climbing the Tierney Track
Mon and Jack
Bel scrambling
View from Pisgah Rock
Conospermum tenuifolium