10/09/2016 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Emily Deck, Wayne Gardner, Michelle Rose, Petros Nikoloudis, Clare Williams
Wayne through the hollow boulder
Down by the creek on Starlights Track
Descending Starlights Track to the Nattai
Grassy flats near Emmetts Flat
Nattai River
Emily and Rachel exploring
Checking out ruins at Emmetts Hut
Petros climbing up the pass to Ahearns Lookout
Emily scrambling near the top of the pass
Grass Tree flower
Clare and Rachel at the first lookout - not Ahearns
Emily at the lookout
Ahearns Lookout
Russells Needle and Mt Jellore
Nattai Valley and Mt Jellore
Petros and Michelle at Ahearns Lookout
Nattai River from on high
The party on the way back - Rachel, Emily, Wayne, Clare, Michelle, Petros
Selfie attempt - much humour from the peanut gallery!
Stalactites in a hollow rock cave
Nattai Valley and Mt Colong