29/12/2015 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Emmanuelle Convert, Joe Laborczfalvi, Barbara Laborczfalvi, Karl Miller, Clare Holland, Cathy Hui, Leigh Matheson, Christy Geromboux, Daniel Geromboux
Heading down the Main Range Track (road?) to the Snowy River - our route lies up the green ramp between the two branches of the river
Crossing the river on the stepping stones
Alpine flowers climbing up to Mt Clarke
Looking back down to the river junction
Christy, Rachel and Emmanuelle approaching Mt Clarke
The party on Mt Clarke - Clare, Joe, Karl, Cathy, Barbara, Rachel, Christy, Daniel, Emmanuelle, Leigh
Main Range panorama from Mt Northcote
Lake Albina
Some of the party on the track below Mt Lee
The rest of the party on Mt Lee - Leigh, Cathy, Christy, Emmanuelle, Daniel, Rachel
The aptly named Club Lake
Some of the party enjoying views over Mt Sentinel and Watsons Crags from Carruthers Peak
Mt Sentinel
Lunch at Strzelecki Creek - Karl, Clare, Emmanuelle, Christy, Daniel, Cathy, Leigh
Leigh on a pinnacle en route to Mt Sentinel
Rachel on the steep descent
Karl scrambling
The party descending a little scramble - Cathy, Barbara, Daniel, Joe, Emmanuelle, Christy, Clare (bottom to top)
Scrambling on the "tricky bit" - Karl, Rachel, Cathy, Emmanuelle, Daniel, Leigh
Karl and Rachel
Rachel and Tom on Mt Sentinel
View to the west - Mt Townsend and Townsend Spur
View to the east - Watsons Crags
The route back - Karl and Leigh watching Rachel and Christy scrambling
Karl on the rocky rib
Rachel on a pinnacle
Blue Lake