04-05/10/2014 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Richard Pattison, Melissa Thomas
Rachel and Mel on the approach to Tourist Route on Crater Bluff
Rich climbing the first pitch of Tourist Route (9)
Rich belaying on the second pitch
Rich on the first belay ledge
Looking across to Tonduron
Mel belaying Rich up the second pitch
Rich traversing the ledge to the foot of Green Glacier
Mel near the bottom of the third pitch of Tourist Route
Higher up on the third pitch
Rich on the ledge
Rich traversing near the top of the pitch
Mel and Rich in Green Glacier
Climbing Green Glacier
The Grand High Tops and Belougery Spire from Crater Bluff
Rich and Mel on the summit
Tom climbing to the real summit
Rich abseiling back into Green Glacier
Green Glacier and Tonduron Spire
Descending Green Glacier
Near the bottom of Green Glacier
Rich and Mel setting the ropes for the first of the two abseils
Mel tossing the ropes
Rich abseiling
Mel on the second abseil
Crater Bluff
Rachel on the Grand High Tops
The Breadknife
Moon over the Breadknife
Rachel, Rich and Mel at Dows Camp
Wax-Lip Orchid (Glossodia major)
Tonduron from Bluff Mountain
Mt Exmouth from Bluff Mountain
Rachel on the summit of Bluff Mountain for breakfast
Tom and Grass Trees (probably Xanthorrhoea glauca ssp angustifolia)
Bluff Mountain - can you spot Rich and Mel?
Rachel at Point Wilderness
Rachel and Mt Exmouth
The Arch
Returning from the Cathedral
Pink pea
Traversing the cliffs on the side of Mt Exmouth
Sweeping views from Mt Exmouth
Rachel at the summit of Mt Exmouth (well, the end of the summit ridge)
Grass Tree flower spike
Grass Tree flower detail
Grass Trees on the slopes of Mt Exmouth
Walking out along West Spirey Creek
Gunneemooroo Camp