01-02/06/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Richard Pattison, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Sue Bucknell, Melissa Thomas, Toni Bachvarova, Ali Curtin
Smiffy also has photos from this trip
Setting off up the road from Newnes - Rich, Mel, Ali, Rachel
Climbing the fern-filled gully up to the saddle
Toni scrambling one of the steps up on to the tops
Ali and Sue at the next step
There's more than one way across a chasm! Sue watches Toni and Mel
Rich sets out for Point Nicholson
Rachel and Sue entering the Room via the side door!
Rachel at Point Nicholson - it looks a little gloomy!
Smiffy at one of the entrances to the Room
It's Sue's birthday, so Eddie the Echidna is demolished!
Ali and Mel negotiate the narrow ledge below the point
Rachel, Sue and Toni
Ali and Mel
Mel scrambling across one of the saddles on the ridge
First views of the Pagoda of Death
Rachel, Sue and Rich on the face
Rachel scrambling
Mel on the pagoda
Rachel, Sue and Rich on the Great Wall of China
Ali crossing a little chasm
"Blue packs to the left, red packs to the right!"
Mel jumps a chasm
..."Camera ready?"...
OK, now you're just showing off!
Not quite so easy getting back!
Mel and Ali exploring the bottom of the chasm
Cliffs and a mini pinnacle
Mel and Ali in the Tunnel of Love
Ross's Knob
Being a birthday trip, Rich has made sure there's plenty to drink...
...starting at lunch!
Descending the mini canyon
Toni and Mel
Don't tip the Balancing Boulder over!
Rachel at the camp caves
Rich has carried in a 5kg slack line - Mel is the undisputed champion...
...until Rich practises and practises and makes it to the end and back!
Birthday girl Sue looking casual!
Rachel on the tops just before the rain starts
Looking down on the slack line
Rachel in another overhang
Rich and Mel
Happy Hour?!
Sue and her second birthday cake
The next morning around the fire
For a beautiful looking day, why is Rachel in full wet weather gear?! It has been raining much of the night and the bush is saturated
Valley views
Rachel in a gully of ferns