11-12/05/2013 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Cloud in the valleys - smoke from the burn-off in the Wild Dogs floats up the Kanangra Creek valley
Rachel on the Kanangra Tops
Kanangra Creek valley
Kanangra Deep
Colboyd Range
Rachel at Coal Seam Cave
Coal Seam Cave
Rachel at Cottage Rock
Gingra Range to the right
Rachel descending the Gingra Range
Naughty Prickly Pear!
The last steep bit to the Kowmung
Rachel at Gingra Creek
Kowmung River
Kowmung River
Rachel crossing Gingra Creek
Rachel on Willa Buttress
Our campsite on Willa Buttress
Sunset on the ridge
The next morning, Rachel climbing up to Compagnoni Pass
The bottom section of the pass
The top section of the pass
View from Compangnoni Pass - the Kowmung Valley bathed in cloud
Rachel on the Ti Willa Plateau
Views across to the Blue Breaks
Rachel at Hundred Man Cave
Some dispute over the K2K entry in the log book at Cloudmaker!
Who wants to be a trig?!
Great views of the Gangerangs from the (wrong!) side of Rumble
Gangerang Range and Kanangra Walls
Mt High and Mighty, with (l to r) Pages Pinnacle, Mt Berry, Crafts Wall and Kanangra Walls
Rachel at Gabes Gap
Rachel on Mt Berry
Lunch on Mt Berry, looking across to Crafts Wall and Kanangra Walls
Kanangra panorama
Crafts Wall
One of the blocks on the road to Crafts Wall
Rachel at the log book at Crafts Wall
Kanangra Creek valley
Kanangra Creek and the Gangerangs
Rachel on Kilpatrick Causeway
Aboriginal art? Doesn't look particularly authentic
Rachel climbing Gordon Smiths Pass
Kilpatrick Causeway and the Gangerangs
Rachel on the tops
Kanangra Tops panorama
Descending to the track junction
Kanangra Deep
Views across to Mt Colong
Classic Kanangra
Back at the car - other than two people right near the end, we have had the entire Kanangra area to ourselves on this beautiful weekend