14/10/2012 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Liz Edye, Matt Dowle, Chris Stephens, Keah Molomby, Jonno Holmes, Erin Wallis
Heading off to the cliff top track
Pink Fingers Orchid (Caladenia carnea/Petalochilus carneus)
Dracophyllum secundum
Ivy-leaved Violet (Viola hederacea)
Ivy-leaved Violet (Viola hederacea)
Ivy-leaved Violet (Viola hederacea)
Why all the finger pointing?
Keah, Jonno & Rachel
Cockatoos on Leura Falls
At the "best lookout on the walk" - Bridal Veil View Lookout - Jonno, Erin, Matt, Keah
Jonno and Chris at the little cascades
Rachel, Erin, Matt and Keah
Leura Falls
Epacris reclinata?
Mt Solitary
Leura Falls
Plants growing in the spray
Rock Sprengelia? (Sprengelia monticola?)
Looking back at the wedding location from the day before
First Sister and Mt Solitary
Tourists on the Three Sisters track
Rachel on the Giant Stairway
I guess we better stick to walking!
Near the bottom of the Stairway
Rachel at Leura Forest
Linda Falls
Lila Falls
The Amphitheatre