22-23/10/2011 - report - photos

Participants: Tom Brennan, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Kim Fuller, Nick Olson, Jacquie Yates, Alex Gould, Stanley Wong

The next morning, first wade...

...and it quickly becomes a deep one

Alex keeping pack dry

Alex, Jacquie and Stanley

Walking upstream

Blue Gum and cliffs

Nick and Kim


Smiffy crossing a muddy bank

Nick in his socks


Approaching the second set of rapids

Stanley surveys the scene...

...while Smiffy waits for everyone to get ahead so he can take a few photos!

Nick, Jacquie and Alex - but why does Jacquie look like she wants to strangle me?!

Negotiating the deep pool beyond the third set of rapids

Native Violet (Viola hederacea)

Smiffy backtracking from a deep section of river


Alex vs the camera

Smiffy swimming at Tootie Creek rapids

Pink Spider Flower? (Grevillea sericea?)

Jacquie and Alex climbing the bottom of the T3 Track

Smiffy at the first lookout

Alex testing out a balancing boulder


Eucalypt flowers

Nick and Stanley

Kim and Smiffy enjoy the view :)

Colo River and Mt Townsend

Calotis? cuneifolia? (Purple Burr-Daisy)


Smiffy with Grass Tree spike

Grass Tree (Xanthorrhea sp) spike

Looking north west into the wilderness from the lookout near the top of the track

Finally! Back at the fire trail - Kim, Jacquie, Nick

Black Eyed Susan (Tetratheca ericifolia)

Platysace lanceolata?

Goodenia? sp

Heath Milkwort, Pink matchheads or Pyramid Flower (Comesperma ericinum)

Near the end

Smiffy loitering, with camera