07-08/05/2011 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan, Richard Pattison, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles, Emmanuelle Convert, Jason Lorch, Rebecca Lorch, David Trinder, Melinda Turner
Frost on leaves at Boyd River Campground
It's sunny, but no-one is looking warm!
Jason at Lost Rock, with great views out to Mt Colong
David crossing the swamp after Lost Rock
Morning tea on the Boyd Range - (l to r) Rachel, Rebecca, Jason, Rich, Vivien, Emmanuelle, David, Melinda
Open country on the Boyd Range
Panoramic views from Dicksonia Bluffs
I can't remember whether Emmanuelle was trying to be scared or cold - take your pick!
Jason, looking like a cross between Commando and Bear Grylls!
Kowmung River from Sombre Buttress
Descending Sombre Buttress
Rachel on Sombre Buttress
Views from Sombre Buttress across to Mt Doris
Rachel and Vivien crossing Doris Creek
Rich doing a great leader's job trying to allow the rest of us to keep our feet dry (no luck, too much water!)
Vivien crossing the Kowmung
The Inaugural SBW Ultimate Frisbee Challenge at Hatchers Hollow
The ceremonial burning of the rules after the game
Rachel at our campsite at Hatchers Hollow
Campsite at Hatchers Hollow - Rachel, Melinda, David, Rich, Vivien
David and Emmanuelle leaving Hatchers Hollow
Kowmung River in the early morning
Kowmung River
Rich crossing below Mt Doris
Rachel and Emmanuelle on a scramble up the ridge on to Mt Doris
Rich climbing Mt Doris
Contemplating another scramble
Rachel scrambling
David and the party in open country on Mt Ibbai
Rich and Rachel on Mt Ibbai
Great views of the Kowmung River (Ibbai Loop) and Redcliff Creek from Wedgetail Bluffs
Ibbai Loop and Redcliff Creek
Rebecca and Emmanuelle on Mt Misery
Mt Colong from Lost Rock
The party at Lost Rock
Crossing the creek at the outlet to Hughes Swamp
David, Vivien and Emmanuelle crossing the creek