19/03/2011 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles, Emmanuelle Convert, Richard Pattison, Stephen Dolphin
Plaque at the Cleary Memorial Lookout
Stephen, Vivien and Rachel at the lookout
The D6 track at the lookout
The party at the ruins of Maxwells Farm in the Kedumba Valley
Maxwells Farm
The party at the campground in Kedumba Valley - Rachel, Emmanuelle, Vivien, Richard and Stephen
Spectacular views along Korrowall Ridge towards Lake Burragorang :)
Emmanuelle climbing one of the tricky sections
Rachel at the top of the little climb, with a more exposed climb ahead
Richard checking out options for climbing
Rachel climbing up the nose
Vivien climbing, with the valley some way below
Lunch in a sheltered cave on Korrowall Ridge
Emmanuelle and Richard on a narrow ledge below Point Repulse
Descending the Miners Pass
Stephen below the first line of cliffs on the Miners Pass
Stephen on a short downclimb
Emmanuelle on a short tape-assisted drop
Stephen on another scramble
Emmanuelle crossing the Kedumba River on the Mt Solitary Track