16-17/10/2010 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan, Dan Laver, Gemma Cowan, Jim Close, Ted Nixon, Danielle Ozich
Snow on the ground near the start of the walk
Heading off down the fire trail in a flurry of snow
Ted sheltering from the wind on the Centre of the Universe pagoda
The party near the 978 point - Ted, Jim, Rachel, Gemma, Danielle and Dan
Ted at the lunch cave
Rachel, and lunch in the cave
Hail on the ferns
Melted hail on a spider web
Rachel at the famous three-pronged tree
The Wollangambe River in a narrow gorge
Gemma, Dan and Danielle
Rachel above the cave, as the snow started falling again
Gemma crossing the logs
Dan collecting firewood
Dan and Jim crossing the log again
The Wollangambe River
Around the fire - Rachel, Jim, Gemma, Dan, Danielle and Ted
Wild flower
Dan at Wollangambe Crater
Heading out of Wollangambe Crater
Wollangambe Crater panorama
Rachel crossing the Wollangambe
Jim crossing the Wollangambe
Native iris (Patersonia sericea)
Eggs and Bacon (Dillwynia? sp)
Dampiera stricta
Boronia sp
Danielle and Gemma on a pagoda
Morning tea on the second day, in glorious sunshine
Another take on morning tea
Danielle scrambling down off one of the pagodas
Rush lily (Sowerbaea juncea)?
Rush lily (Sowerbaea juncea)?
Tom on the Lounge Tree
Rush lily (Sowerbaea juncea)?
Wollangambe panorama from the Centre of the Universe
Leptospermum? sp
Waratah (Telopea speciosissima)
Waratah (Telopea speciosissima)