13-14/06/2010 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan
Baal Bone country
Rachel and I bumped in to Dave, Martin, Chuin Nee, John, Steffy and Albert who had already been out for a night. Here is Martin on top of a pagoda. Dave has photos from their walk.
Rachel amongst the pagodas
Tom on a pagoda
Rachel on one of the most impressive pagodas
Balancing rock
Dave and party across a difficult to access gully near Mt McLean
Pantoneys Crown
Narrow slot
Tom above McLeans Pass
Rock formation in McLeans Pass
The evil face of McLeans Pass?
Tom and Rachel around our little fire
Pantoneys Crown sunrise
Pantoneys Crown sunrise
Rachel near Mt Jamison
Pagoda country
Rachel in the massive overhang at McLeans Pass
Tom looking out over Cape Horn and the Wolgan Valley
Rachel on the Boot
Rachel at lunch on the Great Divide above Baal Bone Gap
Rachel on the Great Divide
Mt Jamison cliffline