08/05/2010 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan
View from a lookout before Inspiration Point
Looking down the cleft in Roberts Pass
Roberts Pass
The cleft from the bottom
Looking up the cleft
Burnt out bush on Sublime Point
Track on the western side of Sublime Point
Burnt gully
Rachel on the track
Picnic area in Lyrebird Dell
Waterfall in Lilians Glen
View from Moya Point Lookout, Inspiration Point
Burnt gully
Katoomba and the Three Sisters from the rock platform
View from the track. The range in the distance between Mt Solitary and Narrow Neck is actually the Gangerangs, with Kanangra Walls to the right.
Pool of Siloam
Pool of Siloam
Pool of Siloam
Afterwards we drove to Flat Rock (Kings Tableland) for the late afternoon