25-26/07/2009 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Lunch on the cliffs above the Colo
Looking down at the big bend below Townsend Spur
Rachel on an outcrop above the Colo River
Rachel on the cliffs
Colo River scenery
Cliffs and shadows
Colo River looking towards Mt Townsend
Tom on the cliffs
Tom on an outcrop
Looking east from near Meroo trig
Tom on the ridge descending to Colo-Meroo
Rachel near Colo-Meroo
Campsite at the beach at Colo-Meroo
Morning at camp
Rachel on the climb out of Colo-Meroo
More climbing
Rachel scrambling
Conder Trig
Campsite near Conder Trig