16/11/2007 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Michael Keats, Jane Trousdale, Joe Van der Velden, Dave Dash, Graham Conden, Brian Fox, William Hope, Basil Slade, Hester Slade
On the pagodas, looking over Deep Pass
Descending a gully into Deep Pass
In the chasm
In the chasm
The chasm
The NPWS helicopter dropping the new loo cartridge
Chopper landing
Chopper departs, after \'refreshing\' the loo
Climbing a pass on to a spur of Mt Norris
In Deep Pass Canyon
The first pool
Climbing up above the second pool
Crossing one of the ricketty logs
Looking back down the canyon
A small frog
The final set of pools
Traversing the final pools
The log bridge
The log bridge from another angle
Looking back down the canyon
Impressive overhang
Open country in the top of Nayook Creek
Looking back down Nayook Creek