11/06/2007 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Cloud over the Jamison Valley
Mt Debert, with Mt Mouin and Mt Warrigal in the background, from Clear Hill
The plaque in memory of Walter "Taro" Tarr - The Duke of Clear Hill
Rachel descending Taros Ladders
Rachel on the far side of a well flowing Breakfast Creek
Narrow Neck and Clear Hill
Rachel climbing the bottom section of Carlons Chains (aka Mansons Ladders)
Looking out over the Wild Dog Mountains
Rachel on the most exposed part of the chains
Looking down Carlons Head from the top of the second set of chains
Rachel starting the last set of chains
Rachel near the top of the final set of chains
Looking out across the Wild Dogs with Carlons Farm the green patches in the middle
Rachel huddling at the top of Carlons Chains