01-02/07/2006 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, James Yorston, Rachel Grindlay
James in a narrow crack
Tayan Pic visible through a large pagoda
James and Rachel traversing a halfway ledge
James on the cliff edge
Rachel on a pagoda
Pantoneys Crown in the distance
Tom and James on a large pagoda
Rachel on yet another pagoda, with the Little Capertee Valley in the background
Rachel and Tom in front of "The Great Wall"
James crossing a chasm
James is the height of fashion
Rachel admiring Pantoneys Crown
James on an outcrop
James descending through a cave
At the top of a small canyon
James in the canyon
James climbing up a chasm
Sunset on the Wolgan-Capertee divide
James, Tom and Rachel indulging in cheese and port
Looking up the Crown Creek Valley
Rachel around the fire
James - meditating?
Cloudy sunrise
A large camp cave near Mt Dawson
Our overhang
James in a canyon on the way back
Rachel descends the canyon through a hole