26-27/08/2000 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Liz Edye, Chris Stephens, Keah Molomby, Melissa James
At the Golden Stairs car park - Keah, Liz, Mel, Dave, Di
Liz on one of the pinnacles of the Ruined Castle
Dave on the other pinnacle
Chris and Keah
Open your eyes, Dave!
Below the Ruined Castle - Liz, Keah, Chris, Mel, Di
View from Mt Solitary
Lyrebird at night
At the Col - Mel, Chris, Liz
Mel, Keah, Tom, Liz
View down Kedumba Creek
At Kedumba Creek - Tom, Liz, Chris, Keah
Tom on the log crossing
Liz and Keah
Climbing up Kedumba Pass
Mt Solitary
Mountain views
My eye that night (I fell into a sharp stick)