03/12/2017 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Antoniya Bachvarova, Sue Bucknell, Simon Hager, Alex Allchin, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles
Valley view from rock outcrops
Rocky ridge, before it got scrubby!
Crossing the hanging swamp to get in to the creek
Toni on the first abseil
Looking down the most canyon-like section of creek
Toni abseiling, Simon and Smiffy trying to keep dry
Toni takes the wetter way
Alex jumping for the cameras
In the lovely gorge below the abseils
Vivien on the first of two abseils down to a creek junction
Rachel on the abseil - looks like a big drop below
Toni on the abseil
Toni at the edge of the halfway pool
Looking down the next drop from the edge of the pool
Smiffy abseiling
Simon watching Sue abseil down to the pool at the junction
Toni abseiling the falls
Bottom of the falls
Smiffy below the junction
Rachel getting sprayed by the wind, which was blowing the waterfall back up
Rachel at the top of the final drop
Toni on the final drop
Smiffy in the spray of the falls
Smiffy on the abseil
Alex halfway up the exit route - steep and exposed but not too difficult
Toni on the exit
At the top - Vivien pointing out features
Smiffy at the lookout