25-26/10/2014 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Rachel looking over the Wollangambe to the west from near the Tesselated Pavements - our pass out is the left hand gully
Looking back over the Wollangambe from the top of the pass - our pass down is the gully in the middle of the picture
The tops were burnt out by the State Mine Fire of last October
Rachel abseiling in to a side creek - we probably could have climbed out again if needed
Rachel on a tree pass - not sure if this would have been an abseil or not if the tree weren't there
Rachel on the first abseil
Below the first abseil
Rachel scrambling
Looking down the second abseil
Rachel on the second abseil
Rachel on the second abseil - at the moment the drop ends in a deep pool
Rachel in the canyon
Looking down the third abseil
The bolt on the left is a bit dodgy! We cut off the excess slings.
Rachel on the abseil
Does the rope reach? Hard to tell!
Hopefully it does!
The main waterfall from the bottom - it's a floating disconnect and swim across the pool
Rachel below the falls
In the canyon
Looking back up canyon at the falls
Looks like it might be another swim!
Rachel in the canyon
Beautiful gorge below the canyon
Rachel rockhopping in the gorge
Pretty section of rocky slabs
Plenty of ferns lining the walls
I swam this since I was holding my camera, but Rachel using two hands manages to keep it to a deep wade
Bouldery gorge
More impressively deep gorge - the gorge below the canyon is extremely beautiful and runs continuously for nearly a kilometre and a half
Rachel in our little overhang. This was quite welcome as there were storms throughout the evening, though not that much rain
The next morning, exploring the Bungleboori below the junction
Bungleboori cliffs
Reflections - pool at the Short Creek/Bungleboori junction
Burnt out heath - petrophiles and banksias
Rachel in petrophile (conesticks) scrub
Lobelia dentata?
Regenerating bush on the tops - easy open walking
Unknown flower
Crossing the Wollangambe on the way back
Rachel enjoying a swim - the temperature was around 30 degrees, so even a refreshing dip was welcome
Aboriginal art? Don't think so!
Flannel flower (Actinotus helianthi)
Flannel flower (Actinotus helianthi)
Dampiera stricta
Rocky tops heading towards Tesselate Hill
Flax Lily (Dianella sp)
Mitrosacme polymorpha
Looking across Bowens Creek from the Tesselated Pavements
Tesselated Pavements
Bowens Creek and Mt Tootie from Tesselate Hill