18-19/10/2014 - photos

Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay

Looking down our first canyon

Rachel in the canyon

In the canyon

Reversing one of the drops we had abseiled down

Bridging up and over the chockstone

Rachel in a chamber

Climbing a slippery slab

Looking down the canyon

We weren't intending to go through this canyon so had left ropes in place - Rachel reversing the first drop

Rachel prusiking up the drop

Enjoying great views from the cliff edge

Leptospermum? sp

Unknown flower

Glen Trig - looks fairly easy to get on top of, but the sandstone is quite different, much less scramblable, and the gullies are thick with scrub

Rachel on ledges on the Trig

Scrambling on the Trig - well, we should have been on the next pagodas over, leaving us on the wrong side of a very scrubby gully!

Tom on the summit

Panoramic views, looking over the Wolgan

Cliffs of Glen Trig

Rachel heading out to a flattish spot for camping, with Marathon Mountain in the background

Rock arch - there were numerous of these on top. This particular sandstone seems to weather in layers, and has little or no ironstone in it

Marathon Mountain

Our tent at sunset, with the Capertee Cliffs behind

Sunset from Glen Trig



Mt Gundangaroo

Wollemi Wilderness

The twin humped mountain that is possibly the highest point on the Wolgan-Capertee Divide in Wollemi NP

Our tent

Rachel looking through another arch

Rachel abseiling into our next canyon

Canyon formation

Looking down the last drop in the canyon, before it goes over a large cliff

Further upstream there was another section of mild canyon

Rachel bridging up a short drop

Rachel in the canyon

Rachel scrambling up another drop

The final awkward climb to get out the top

The scrub has had the better of Rachel!

Traversing under cliffs on the way out