23/03/2013 - photos - Mt Hay Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Rachel on the first abseil in the side gully
Rachel on the second abseil
We decided to do the third abseil for fun
I remember climbing down this drop previously on the tree and roots to the right, but this looks pretty tricky now. We abseiled it
Rachel on the first swim
Rachel on the abseil next to the upper chockstone
Looking down to the main drop
The main slot
View back up the canyon
Rachel on the first abseil in the main slot
Looking down the main slot
Rachel abseiling
Avoiding getting pummelled by the water
The next drop
Looking down from the exit climb into the valley
Rachel climbing
View from the belay ledge
View down the Grose Valley from the belay ledge
The outlet of the canyon
Rachel checking out the slot
Walking back along the tops