05-06/05/2012 - photos - Carrabeanga Falls track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Richard Pattison, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith
Rachel has a trip report and Smiffy has photos from this trip
Rachel, Rich and Smiffy at our campsite at the King Pin Fire Trail junction on Saturday morning
Setting off along the King Pin Fire Trail - is it cold?
Looking a little warmer near Mt Thurat
Morning tea at the top of Carrabeanga Falls
Rachel and Smiffy scrambling around the first "abseil"
Rachel on the second abseil
Rich on the third abseil
Rachel on the fourth abseil
Rachel on the wide ledge below the fourth abseil, looking across to the Cloudmaker Massif
Crossing the falls just above the main drop
Smiffy on the fifth abseil, needing to swing across on to the small rock platform
Looking across to the left side of the falls - the anchoring options look a little light!
Looking down into the massive amphitheatre below the main falls
Rachel on the sixth abseil
Rich on the large ledges below the main falls
Smiffy and Rich...
...watching Rachel abseil
A wider view of the seventh abseil and amphitheatre
Looking down the drop below the main falls
Rachel on the eighth abseil
Smiffy on the eighth abseil
Looking further down the gorge from the main falls
Rachel on the ninth abseil
Rich below the eighth abseil
Smiffy on the tenth abseil
Rachel, realising that the abseil ends in a waist deep pool, takes a different route on the abseil
Rich on a short hand-over-hand, with Rachel visible scrambling to the anchors for the eleventh abseil
Smiffy on the twelfth abseil
Smiffy below the thirteenth abseil
Rich looking with trepidation at the fourteenth abseil
The major waterfall we bypassed via the abseil
Rachel scrambling the bottom section of the waterfall
Rachel on the fifteenth abseil
Rachel in the waist deep pool at the bottom - having a shower since she has forgotten to take her prusik off
Smiffy on the abseil
Smiffy scrambling below a short abseil lower down
Scrambling lower in Carrabeanga Brook
Finally we reach Kanangra Creek
The next morning, our campsite on Kanangra Creek
Scrambling up Carrabeanga Steeps
Looking up towards Paralyser
Looking in to Cyclops Pit
The steep bit of the Steeps
Rich, Smiffy and Rachel on the narrow saddle before the final push to Mt Cyclops
Smiffy, with the Gangerang Range in the background
At lunch - Rachel, Smiffy, Rich
Smiffy and Rich through an easy open section on Thurat Ridge
Rachel and Smiffy near Mt Thurat
Rich on Mt Thurat