20/02/2010 - report - photos - Danae Brook Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Andrew Glover, Bethany Hoye
Rachel also has photos from this trip.
Placid looking Danae Brook above the waterfalls
Glover and Bethany about to get wet feet
View from the first abseil
Bethany at the bottom of the first waterfall
Rachel and Bethany rigging the third abseil
Waterfall on the second abseil
Rachel on the third abseil (the chockstone abseil)
Missing bolt at the third abseil
Bethany on the fourth abseil (Waterfall abseil)
Rachel's legs can just be seen
Rachel emerges from the bottom of the abseil
Rachel on the fifth abseil. We abseiled from the tree rather than through the hole.
Rachel on the sixth abseil (the slippery log abseil, minus slippery log). This was probably the hardest abseil
Bethany on the abseil
Glover emerges from the waterfall
Bethany on the seventh abseil
Looking back at the waterfall on the seventh abseil
Rachel on a short hand over hand/abseil
Glover and Bethany
Bethany trying to avoid a swim
Bethany scrambling
Glover and Rachel set up for another short drop
Bethany on a short drop
Rachel rigging the final major abseil
The final major waterfall
Glover coiling
Rachel on the abseil down to the boulder chute
Looking down the boulder chute - it's a long way down
Glover and Bethany scrambling in the boulder chute
Scrambling in the boulder chute
Looking back up the boulder chute
An awkward move - though jumping would have worked too
The final abseil
Bethany abseiling
Small brown snake
Nightfall from the Kilpatrick Causeway