13-14/12/2008 - report - photos - Bell Creek Canyon track notes - Bell Creek Complete Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, James Yorston, Gill Fowler, Anthony Dowle
Waterfalls coming off the canyon walls
Near the start of upper section of Bell Creek canyon
Canyon formation
Lilo section
Gill about to board
Collision! James cuts me off!
Gill floating down another lilo stretch
Rachel manhandling her lilo
Canyon formation with Volley
Long narrow stretch
More pools
The crew await their leader, who has been off exploring
Waterfall in a side canyon
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Waterfall in Bellfry Canyon
Bellfry Canyon
Bellfry Canyon
Bellfry Canyon
Looking out of our camp cave
Sit up straight! Ant, James, Gill, Rachel
Now you can slouch
Afternoon in the camp cave
Rachel sets off for a cool morning swim
Lilo bridge
Rachel gets on board...
...and so does Gill
Canyon formation
Foam in the canyon from the torrential rain the morning before
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
At the junction with Du Faur Creek
Rachel paddling up Clatterteeth Canyon
Clatterteeth Canyon
Clatterteeth Canyon
Clatterteeth Canyon
Rachel in Joes Canyon