14/09-14/10/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Mystery Canyon
Looking down into Echo Canyon from the Observation Point Trail
View down the main canyon from Observation Point
Angels Landing and the West Rim
Rachel at Observation Point
Looking west across the main canyon
Rachel on one of the early abseils in Mystery Canyon
Rachel abseiling
The upper section of Mystery has a variety of short but interesting downclimbs - of which this is one.
Another one down a log
Rachel on about the third "real" abseil
Rachel showing off her bridging form
Another dubious looking downclimb...
...followed by yet one more!
The canyon opens out, before reaching this big flat area, which was relatively full for us. Wading the lake ...
... which was caused by this massive landslide
Slabby abseil
We are not the only canyoners!
The canyon narrows up again
Rachel climbing down to Mystery Springs
Rachel on the ledge above Mystery Springs
Mystery Springs abseil
Tricky downclimb below Mystery Springs
Rachel on the final abseil into the Narrows, complete with audience
Exiting the Narrows
Virgin River