14/09-14/10/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Pine Creek Canyon
Rachel waterproofing her pack at the start of the canyon
Rachel on the first abseil
The Great Cathedral abseil
One of a number of swims
Wading in Pine Creek
Canyon formation
More beautiful canyon
The lower section had a number of lovely chambers - this is one of them
Rachel wading
Canyon formation
Deeper in the canyon
Canyon formation
...and more chambers!
The canyon starts to open up a little
Looking down the gorge to the final abseil, the cutting of the Zion-Mt Carmel tunnel clearly visible in the cliff wall high above the canyon. The roar of traffic was audible throughout much of the canyon as there were multiple cuttings.
Rachel on the fourth abseil
Rachel on the final abseil
The last little awkward downclimb to the springs
Canyon Tree Frog
One final swim before the end