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27/07-04/08/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Afternoon light on the George Gill Range...
...with the crowd of tourists at Kings Canyon "Resort"
Giles Track - Day 1 - Kings Canyon to Rocky Creek
Rachel setting off on the Giles Track - this bit is shared with the Kings Canyon Rim Track
Now we have the track to ourselves, as it winds through the beehives...
...but we can still see the tourists across the valley
Rachel in a world of beehives
Amazing landscape
Beehives and mini canyons
Rachel climbing a gully
Variable Daisy (Brachycome ciliaris)
Rachel at one of the creek crossings. There was a surprising amount of water
...domes - as far as the eye can see
The track wanders along this ledge
Rachel on the edge of the range
Near Watarrka Lookout, a stark change in vegetation
Lunch at the lookout
Tea Tree
Acacia sp
Interesting succulent plants
Rock Fuchsia (Eremophila freelingii ?)
Variable Daisy on the edge
Rachel at Reedy Hill Trig
Umm, perhaps you should take a step back honey!
Pools in Reedy Creek
Afternoon reflections
Above the gorge of Rocky Creek
Camp in Rocky Creek
Butterflies come down to drink
Rachel exploring Rocky Creek in bare feet
Sunset from the ridge
Campsite nestled in the creek
Rocky Creek camp by night
Giles Track - Day 2 - Rocky Creek to Kathleen Springs
Domes from the ridge the next morning
Rachel climbing up on to the ridge
Colours of the outback - looking down to the plains
The ubiquitous track markers
Rachel at Wanga Creek
Exploring Wanga Creek
Heading down to the falls
Pools in Wanga Creek below the falls
Heading back up to the packs
Cliffs on one branch of Wanga Creek
Desert scrub
Lookout above Kathleen Gorge
Fire had been through here less than twelve months before, hence the moonscape
Back at the resort, afternoon views from the Resort Loop track
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