07-26/12/2012 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Pouakai Circuit: Day 1 - North Egmont to Pouakai Hut
Rachel descending to Kokowai Stream
Kokowai Stream
Crossing the swing bridge
Where now?! Rachel crossing Kai Auahi Stream
First views of Mt Taranaki
On the track to Henry Peak
Mountain Foxglove (Ourisia macrophylla?)
Taranaki from near Henry Peak
360 degree views from Henry Peak
Rachel relaxing while Tom photo pfaffs
The track to Maude Peak
Alpine tarn
Pouakai Hut
Taranaki by night
Pouakai Circuit: Day 2 - Pouakai Hut to Holly Hut plus Pouakai Trig and Bells Falls
Early morning
Reflections of Taranaki
The Hump and Mt Taranaki, on the way to Pouakai Trig
On the track to Pouakai Trig
Approaching the trig
Taranaki panorama
Heading back to the main track
The muddy Pouakai Track
Descending to Ahukawakawa Swamp and the upper Stony River
Ahukawakawa Swamp and the upper Stony River
Ahukawakawa Swamp and the upper Stony River
Bridge across the river
The track across the swamp is damp in places
On the track to Bells Falls
Rockhopping up the river to Bells Falls
Bells Falls
Bells Falls
Rachel at Bells Falls
Bells Falls and the Stony River
Pouakai Circuit: Day 3 - Holly Hut to North Egmont
The next morning, ready to leave Holly Hut
There's Taranaki ... somewhere in the clouds!
Rachel on the thoroughly wet track
Mountainside views
Crossing an old land slip
Rachel at an awkward drop
The Boomerang Slip
Rachel at one of the creek crossings
Waterfall in the mist
The track is a little wet!
Scree walking
Descending the Razorback