05-19/04/2007 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Milford Track
Boarding the boat at Te Anau Downs
Tom heading to Clinton Hut
Glade House, the five star accommodation for the guided walkers
First swing bridge on the Milford Track
Clinton River
Clinton River the next day, after a night of rain
Track markers for when the track is underwater
Ducks in their element
Mackinnon Pass - can you see it?
Rachel at Hidden Lake
Falls at Hidden Lake
Bus Stop Shelter
Amphitheatre of waterfalls
Mintaro Hut
Unusual plant
Rachel below Mackinnon Pass
Winter wonderland after a fall of overnight snow
Weka in snow
Anyone able to give me a name for these?
Ice patterns
Rachel and Tom at Mackinnon Memorial
The loo with a view - Mackinnon Shelter toilet
Descending Mackinnon Pass into the Arthur Valley
Falls on the Roaring Burn
Sutherland Falls
Dumpling Hut
Arthur River
Arthur River
Rock cutting near Lake Ada
Giants Gate Falls
Bowen Falls