10-11/08/2019 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Ross Jamieson, Lauren Curtis, Kirsten Owens
Rachel in snow near Lithgow
Cut stone in the Timber Chute near Newnes
In the Timber Chute canyon
In the canyon, showing the beams still crossing the narrow slot
More beams and canyon
Kirsten and Rachel scrambling back down the slot
Rachel and Kirsten in beautiful open rainforest in Petries Gully
Overhang in Petries Gully
Remains of the old road running up Petries Gully
Lunch overhang, out of the rain
Walking up a side creek on the way to the tops
Views from the lookout over Newnes
Lauren enjoying the views
Views from the slopes of Mt Tricky
Canobla and Gundangaroo
Red Rocks and Point Anderson - where we should have been but for the weather
Descending into our gully
We find a route down this ramp for the final descent
Camp cave in the gully
The next morning, climbing back up on to the tops
And the snow comes down
Catch a falling snowflake!
Descending one of the drops in a canyon the next morning
In the canyon
Lower down the canyon
Looking back up
Rachel squeezes into a hole looking for a way through
Kirsten in the hole
Ross emerging
The middle section of creek passes through a beautiful open valley
Lauren and Ross heading into the next section of canyon
Descending the short slot
Looking out the end of the slot across the valley
The canyon
Descending the last cliffline
Near the bottom of the hill
Wet walk into Newnes
Snow on the Wolgan Road on the way back to Lidsdale
Snow on Bells Line near Zig Zag